Tooting Primary School

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Starting School

Before the start of term

Starting school for the first time is an important step.

At Tooting Primary, we are very aware that children may find the prospect of starting school daunting and that families will need reassurance that their child is in good hands. 

We believe that working closely with families before the start of term is the best way to ensure that the transition to school is an easy and happy one, and one which enables children to feel secure in their new environment and where parents are confident that they have made the best possible choices. 

Following the offer of a place, the children will then be invited into school for a number of transition sessions. These visits will enable the school to gather important information about each child – their circumstances, their stage of development, their fears and aspirations and those of their parents. We will then be in a good position to develop the personalised approaches that will ensure all children are able to thrive and achieve from the earliest possible moment. It will also help the children to feel more comfortable when they start school in the September.

Close home school liaison will continue throughout the year and there will be many opportunities for parents to join in activities and events at school as well as to meet with teachers to discuss their child’s progress.