Tooting Primary School

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Music at TPS

There is a strong focus on music at Tooting Primary School. Children are encouraged to explore musical instruments and all children at Tooting Primary School will learn to appreciate the enjoyment music can bring to their lives. 

Across the school, children will be given the opportunity to learn to play a range of percussion instruments as well as attending a weekly singing session. 

The children in Lower Key Stage 2 (Year 3 and Year 4) receive weekly strings tuition which involves them learning either the violin or mini-cello.

The children in Upper Key Stage 2 (Year 5 and Year 6) have the option to continue learning either the mini-cello or violin and can also choose to take part in our school orchestra.


Additional Music Lessons

Lessons will run for 30 minutes and can be taken individually or in a small group.  To study a musical instrument and book your child's music lessons please use the link below.


or visit


Tooting Music 3 I's


Year 1 African Drumming Project

Year 1 African Drumming Project