Tooting Primary School

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Admission of Pupils with SEN

During their school life, some children may have special educational needs because of a learning difficulty or a disability.

Tooting Primary School will provide for children with special educational needs using teachers employed by the school and, where appropriate, assistance from outside professionals.

These children should apply for their school place using the application form provided in the Wandsworth booklet. For the very small number of children who need more help than a school can give, the Local Authority may need to make a legal assessment of the child’s needs to find out what extra help is needed. In some cases, this assessment may lead to a statement of Special Educational Needs, which explains how the child’s needs must be met, either in a primary school with extra help or in a special school. Where a child has a statement of SEN, the application form included in the Wandsworth booklet should not be completed and the local council for the area in which the child resides will advise on how to make an application.