Assessment Information
All adults in school contribute towards ongoing assessment for the children they work with.
In every year group we give children incisive, purposeful feedback in class and mark books in line with our marking policy.
When children start school in the EYFS we use the statutory Reception Baseline Assessment tool to capture on-entry attainment seen in communication and language, mathematics and literacy. We use our observations of children as they learn through play, to plan and organise an enriching learning environment. At the end of EYFS, we inform parents whether or not, their child has reached a good level of development (GLD).
In Year 1, the children take part in the national phonics screening check in June. This helps us to see any gaps the children may have so they can continue to be supported with appropriate phonics in Year 2.
At the end of Year 2 we use our ongoing teacher assessment to let parents know whether their child is working at standard in the Year 2 curriculum.
Pupils in Year 4 will take the multiplication table check (MTC), where they will receive a score out of 25.
At the end of Year 6 the children sit for SATs and parents will be informed whether their children is working at standard for Year 6.
Please see our end of year data page for our school statistical data compared to local and national information.