Tooting Primary School

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What is safeguarding?

Safeguarding is about protecting our children from abuse or neglect.

At Tooting Primary School, the safety and wellbeing of our children is of the utmost importance and everybody is responsible for the safety of all of our children.

All staff believe that our school must provide a caring, positive and safe environment that promotes the social, physical and moral development of each individual child.

All staff at Tooting Primary School receive annual training on safeguarding and child protection, and we are fully compliant with guidelines published by the Department for Education: Working Together To Safeguard Children, Keeping Children Safe in Education 2023, Safeguarding Children and Safer Recruitment in Education.

We ensure that we support children’s development in ways that will foster security, confidence and independence, and provide an environment in which children and young people feel safe, secure, valued and respected. We have built an environment where the children can feel confident, and know how to approach adults if they are in difficulty; believing they will be effectively listened to.

We provide a systematic approach to monitoring children known or thought to be at risk of harm, and we ensure that we contribute to assessments of need and support packages for those children who need them. We have a structured procedure within the school which will be followed by all members of the school community in cases of suspected abuse.

All staff working within our school have been checked as to their suitability, including verification of their identity, qualifications, and a satisfactory Disclosure Barring Service (DBS) check and a single central record is kept for audit.

We believe it is the responsibility of all adults at our school to ensure the wellbeing of all children at Tooting Primary School and to seek immediate support if any abuse is suspected.

In this section you can find more information about the different areas of safeguarding and how we support children’s safety both in and out of school.

Our Safeguarding team are:

Designated Safeguarding Leader (DSL) | Ms Jacqueline Wilson

Deputy DSLs |  Ms Sharpe, Mr Price, Miss Brown, Miss Castineira, Mrs Scott-Lewis, Ms Stewart, Miss L Wilson 

 Safeguarding Poster