We follow the EYFS Curriculum and Framework.
The EYFS underpins all future learning by supporting and fostering the children's personal, social and emotional wellbeing. It encourages positive attitudes and dispositions towards learning in the children and promotes learning through play.
We plan our curriculum by implementing half termly topics which motivate and 'hook' the children into learning. All of the Areas of Learning are then planned through these topics.
We use observations of children’s learning and achievements to inform planning.Planning is differentiated throughout our Early Years and activities are planned to aid smooth transitions continuity and progression. Curriculum planning is continually monitored for quality, relevance and effectiveness. Planning meetings take place to discuss and evaluate teaching objectives and outcomes and this is then fed into future planning. Read Write Inc is used as our synthetic phonics programme. All children have access to high quality rigorous daily phonics. Phonics is taught discreetly for 20 minutes and then skills learnt are applied through Communication & Language opportunities.
Handwriting will be introduced as the year progresses.
Reading plays a vital part in the curriculum. Children have access to a range of fiction/non-fiction texts and are able to take books home on a regular basis to share with adults. The school uses a selection of books from the Read Write Inc programme.